Absolut Vodka

Absolut Vodka

The story of Absolut Vodka began in New York in 1979. This vodka is distilled continuously, without interruption, from locally grown wheat and crystal-clear water taken from a spring located in southern Sweden. Its iconic bottle was inspired by an 18th-century medicine bottle. It has a minimalist and elegant design, is easy to recognize, and fully reflects the quality and sophistication of the drink.

Absolut Vodka Blue
  • Sweden Sweden
  • 40% 40%
  • 0.7 L 0.7 L
68 84 Lei
Absolut Vodka Blue, 1L
  • Sweden Sweden
  • 40% 40%
  • 0.7 L 1 L
Absolut Vodka Blue, 1.75L
  • Sweden Sweden
  • 40% 40%
  • 1.75 L 1.75 L
Vodca Absolut Citron
  • Sweden Sweden
  • 40% 40%
  • 0.7 L 0.7 L
Absolut Vodka Elyx
  • Sweden Sweden
  • 40% 42.3%
  • 1.75 L 0.7 L
242 54 Lei